Mind the Lab
Mind the Lab is a science communication approach that aims to stimulate interest in science among thousands of citizens who use their city’s underground metro stations. Theo came up with Mind the Lab’s idea inspired by the famous “Mind the gap” warning in the London Underground. The vivid atmosphere, spontaneity, open public access, and hands-on experience of Mind the Lab make it ideal for attracting people of every age, gender, educational or social background who do not necessarily have a prior interest in science.
“80% of the people attending science festivals are already science lovers. To reach a broader audience, we had to design an initiative for those who don’t hold science close to their heart – or they haven’t yet discovered it.”
– T. A.

In February 2017, the non-profit organisation SciCo launched and piloted Mind the Lab in eight metro stations in Athens. Impressive scientific experiments, innovative technological applications, interactive games, and art events demonstrated by enthusiastic scientists, made up each station’s activities. Passengers of all ages had the opportunity to become engaged with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – disciplines collectively known as STEM – often discovering a curiosity they may not have even realised they had.
Since 2018, apart from Athens, two more cities, Edinburgh and Madrid, regularly host the Mind the Lab initiative in their metro stations. The same year, Mind the Lab also took place in Berlin as part of the Berlin Science Week and was selected as one of the finalist projects at the Falling Walls Engage Competition.
To maximise its impact, Theo and SciCo aim to establish a common day when Mind the Lab will simultaneously take place in several countries around the world.